About Us
Micah Elizabeth Sigle was born on December 1, 2015 at 9:25 am. Micah's life was only 31 days long, but her impact was felt by many, thanks to her mighty spirit and continuous fight. 17 weeks into the pregnancy, Micah was diagnosed with a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). With a CDH, a hole forms in the diaphragm and organs move up through the hole preventing the lungs from developing and expanding. In Micah's case, the hole was large enough that the stomach, liver and intestines were above the diaphragm. Micah was placed on ECMO (heart & lung bypass), 36 hours after birth and remained on it for 21 days. Her diaphragm was surgically repaired on December 8th, with the organs placed below the diaphragm. When she was removed from ECMO, the doctors didn't expect her lungs or heart to support her more than a few hours. She defied the odds and battled for another nine days, blessing us with her presence on Christmas and New Years Eve. Her journey came with many ups and downs but Micah never stopped fighting until her death on January 1st.
Our mission is to help and support families impacted by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia or spend time in the NICU.